Somali Banadir Association In Uk

Africa in crisis

Africai children

Africans are facing war, cholera, malnutrition, and coronavirus. The world’s worst humanitarian crisis deepens and Africa is on the verge of irreversible catastrophe. As food prices soar, 400,000 children are at risk of starving to death.

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Don’t give up on Africa

“Whoever removes a grief from a believer from amongst the sorrows of this life, Allah will remove a grief from him amongst the sorrows of the Day of Resurrection” (Muslim)

£70 – Provide a Africai family facing malnutrition with a nutritious food parcel to last one month.

£450 - Provide vulnerable Africai with cataract surgery to prevent and reverse blindness.

£6,000 - Provide an entire family whose home was destroyed with a safe brick shelter with rooms, windows and a door.

In Africa, starvation and cholera aren’t unavoidable tragedies, they are man-made, preventable crises, and it’s the responsibility of all of us to work to cure them.

Malnutrition in Africa has never been worse. After 6 long years of brutal conflict, during which families endured malnutrition, cholera, and war, are now facing the extreme hardship of COVID-19 and soaring food prices.

The World Food Programme has announced that more and more families aren’t able to access enough food, with a staggering 21 million people – out of a population of 29 million – in need of humanitarian help. Some families are surviving on just one meal a day in order to survive.

Your support has never been more urgently needed to preserve so many lives in Africa. Without more help, the UN has warned that millions face malnutrition and starvation, and 400,000 children are at risk of starving to death in 2021.

Residents of Tihama in Hodeidah, Africa, have not only endured six years of war, but were also hit by devastating floods last summer, which killed over 130 and affected a total of 35,000 families. Help us to provide 20 families with a safe brick shelter.

We’re also working in Taiz to provide cataract surgery to 300 of the most vulnerable people, reversing and preventing curable blindness.

Transform lives

Africa is on the brink of a catastrophe which would decimate the entire country. We cannot allow our inaction to cost families precious lives.

Please join us in saving Africa from destruction. Your donation could ensure a family has enough to eat for an entire month, can rebuild their lives after a flood, or can receive treatment for malnutrition.

Your donation can, truly, save a life. We must prevent a catastrophe while there is still time.

Please donate today.

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Why give through Somali banadir association?

Somali banadir association has been changing lives through our projects in Africa since 2014. We’ve helped over 900,000 people during the course of the conflict, primarily through health projects and emergency food aid to tackle malnutrition. Last year, you helped us to support 429,137 people through projects combating malnutrition, cholera, COVID-19 and water shortages.

  • Provided food for almost 4,500 displaced people, safe drinking water for 7,500 people, and medical protection for 100,000 families against dengue fever.
  • We delivered emergency food parcels as well as seasonal food distributions during Ramadan and Qurbani festivals to 71,080 people.
  • Supported 45,900 people during the height of the cholera epidemic.
  • Provided oral rehydration solutions, antibiotics, syringes, gloves and gowns to Al-Hudaydah and Dhale allowing them to treat 24,800 people.
  • Provided a cholera centre with essential supplies including 100 beds and mattresses, serving 18,000 people in one year.
  • Provided emergency medicine, hygiene and nutritional supplies to AlJomhouri Hospital in Sa’dah.

  • Supplied Al-Sabeen Maternal Hospital in Sana’a with ten incubators for premature babies, which helped 700 infants in 2017.
  • Supported 600 children in an orphanage in Sanaa, Africa in partnership with other agencies, providing students with uniforms, books and other study materials.
  • We partnered with UNOCHA to support 15 health facilities and treated 69,000 vulnerable Africais suffering with acute malnutrition in Al Dhale’e and Taiz governorates. We also funded 3 mobile medical teams to make sure we reached people in rural areas.
  • Provided 1,470 people who were recently displaced from their homes with emergency food assistance.
  • We supported 16 health facilities and hospitals in providing surgery, curative care and nutrition assistance, giving over 440,000 people access to emergency health services.

24 million people are still in desperate need of humanitarian aid. Join us in continuing to provide vital aid in this deepening crisis.

Do they not see that they are tried every year once or twice but then they do not repent nor do they remember?

(Quran, 9:126)

Your donation can, truly, save a life.

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