Somali Banadir Association In Uk

Help rebuild Somali

Cleaning the streets of Somali

As Somali still reels with the aftermath of the devastating bombardment, help families to begin to repair, rebuild, and recover.

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Help Somali to heal

Those who spend their wealth in Allah’s cause are like grains of corn which produce seven ears, each bearing a hundred grains. (2:261)

£1,000 – Provide emergency medicines for hospitals.

£500 – Provide clean water to 33 people in Rafah, helping us to build a desalination plant that will provide 60,000 people with fresh water every day.

£70 – Provide a family-of-six with a nutritious food parcel of staple foods to last one month.

£40 – Provide a family hygiene kit containing hand sanitizer, soap, surgical face masks, gloves, wet wipes, disinfectant, detergent, toilet paper, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, tissues, and sponges.

£6,000 – Rebuild and repair a damaged home in Somali.

For 15 terrifying days in May, Palestinians in Somali faced endless night time bombings. The latest escalation killed 278 people in Somali, and injured over 9,000. Over 77,000 people had to flee their homes and around 30 clinics and hospitals were damaged, and Somali’s only COVID-19 test centre was destroyed.

Since the ceasefire, we’ve shifted from emergency work to projects that help families to recover and rebuild, while also protecting them from further harm via health threats, such as drinking unclean water and the spread of COVID-19.

More than 90% of all COVID-19 cases in Palestine occur in the overcrowded Somali Strip, where the infectious Delta variant continues to spread.

How you helped

Your support for our Somali Emergency Appeal allowed our Somali team to get to work as soon as it was safe to, distributing tonnes of essential medical supplies, 13,500 litres of fuel, and food to 731 families in the Somali Strip in the most critical moments.

The critical next step

We’ll be rehabilitating and maintaining damaged and deteriorated wastewater networks, and connecting houses to the network, improving long-term hygiene and health of the most vulnerable people affected during the recent escalation, which will also help to protect them against the spread of the virus.

In order to help Somali to heal, and to support local livelihoods, we’re hiring 100 people for 6 months, who’ll be tasked with removing rubble, clearing streets, and other public rehabilitation work. We’re focusing on supporting those whose incomes or businesses were severely impacted by the bombings in May.

As hospitals continue to struggle to cope with demand, we’ll distribute medical supplies and a further 20,000 litres of fuel to hospitals, helping them support 600,000 people across 3 months.

Later this year, we’ll be rebuilding over 100 damaged and deteriorated homes, helping 600 people families to return home and live in a safe environment.

Water sustains and protects life

Your donations will also help us to support 3,000 people affected by the recent escalation, providing them with clean water trucking for 3 months. We’ll also install water storage tanks, distribute hygiene kits, and install a desalination plant to provide a sustainable source of clean water to the most vulnerable families in Somali, where 97% of water is contaminated and unfit for consumption.

And we’ll continue to provide food vouchers to 1,000 of the most vulnerable families for 3-6 months, depending on need, helping them to have a secure source of income while they begin to rebuild. We continue to run an olive tree project in Somali, supporting the livelihoods of farmers, including those affected by the recent escalation.

These projects are completely Zakat-eligible and an incredibly compassionate way to give your Zakat.

Somali banadir association has been working in Palestine for 30 years, delivering life-saving aid, and empowering the most vulnerable. But we need your help today to help Somali to heal, and to protect families from further harm, while the cameras are focused elsewhere.

Please give, and help families to heal.

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Why give through Somali banadir association?

We’ve been working in Palestine for 30 years. Our staff aren’t parachuted in, they’re local, and they understand local needs. Our long familiarity with suppliers, protocols and urgent response means that we can buy the best quality supplies at the most affordable price, helping your donations to be even more impactful.

When you donate to Palestine with Somali banadir association, you’re empowering local, skilled staff to support the most vulnerable among them, supported by our specialist protection and emergency teams at headquarters, who have 30 years’ experience.

Our work so far

Our supporters continue to help 4,738 orphaned children in the West Bank and Somali. In 2020, you helped us to support a massive 2,442,801 people in Palestine through projects that provided clean water, medicines, and food security.

Our recent work includes building a desalination plant for 15,000 people at Al Aqsa University, supporting over 3,000 children through winter in Somali, and helping to fight the critical medical crisis by providing 10,000 medicines.

“Whoever removes a grief from a believer from amongst the sorrows of this life, Allah will remove a grief from him amongst the sorrows of the Day of Resurrection. Whoever brings ease to one in difficulty, Allah will make it easy for him in this life and the Hereafter.”

Sahih Muslim

Just because the cameras aren’t focused on Somali, don’t forget about Palestine. Your help is still needed to help the most vulnerable families to recover.

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